It's hard to always hoard our inner feelings. though we try, we know it's wrong and difficult and causes everyone harm in the end. Don't put your thumb in front of the mouth of the hose. the feelings and problems we have need to be let out naturally, we need to take it slow, let it out at constant intervals. If we don't allow them safe passage out, they fester and grow deep down, they keep piling up until they're so close to pouring over. yet the longer we push them down the harder it is to release the pressure. they compac and become harder and heavier, weighing us down so much we need to let them go but they're so rooted they're reluctant to go and we're reluctant to pull them out because we know it will be an unpleasant feat. this is when it gets iffy. we're caught between a rock and a hard place, neither situation seems inviting, yet we know which we have to do. so we procrastinate, we suppose that we can continue on like this "just a little longer.." but it's built up such pressure in our minds we can't ignore it any longer. so now comes the problem of "how to let it out" and "who to let it out to". this is harder than it sounds. we've held in so much for so long, hidden so much from so many people, that if we start letting it out the ones we love wont know what hit them, they'll be afraid and wont know how to handle it. that's why we need to find someone special, someone we trust and love more that anything. someone who knows and understands the feeling of hiding so much. maybe two people who're in the same predicament are best suited to help eachother. who knows.
I've found my person that I can share everything with. I hope she'll confide in me as well. ♥