I've been at odds with things i've seen and heard lately, and I've had an idea playing around in my head. It has to do with science vs. the unknown. Many people close to me have various different opinions about what is credible, what is true, and why. One friend believes in crystal healing, in chakras and reiki. Her boyfriend believes in science and if something hasn't been proven then it can't be true. He is unable to put faith in something he doesn't understand. And most people are. Which is why science was invented. But it was also why religion was invented. These things are our way of explaining our environment, to give reason to what we don't understand so the world is a less scary place. Now I have been raised a scientist, and I believe that science has a lot to teach us. That's not to say it doesn't have a lot to learn as well. Science is an ever-evolving field. The first deep scientific thinkers thought the sun revolved around the Earth. But ...