Today I had the long awaited meeting with my poetry professor Richard. We met at Kensington Pub to discuss my poetry and my performance, and just to catch up. I had brought my latest poem to get his feedback and this is what he told me to do:
You take the best lines from the poem, the ones that you really like, and cut them out with scissors. take all these lines and put em in a hat and pick them at random and lay them out in the order you take them out. It gives you a totally new and yet same poem. Here's my results:
Dont settle for disposable, opt for compostable, reusable sustainable; a green future is attainable.
When did we split of the evolutionary tree and plant ourselves in the soils of skewed priotities?
Instead of mindless expansion we should be expanding our minds.
We can erase the scars of freeways and cars, rewind time to teeming life, erase the strife and strive with all alive, and live in this give and take.
We make junk to make a buck, because who gives a fuck about the toll we're taking, as long as we're making dough.
See at the heart of it we are all a part of it. We are all connected and all affected when mother earth is disrespected.
Every diaper you've ever crapped in is still trapped in a landfill. and it'll still be here after you're gone.
When we need air to breathe and this is created by trees, why do we clear cut to build up our factories?
Working to stay alive as if the blood that filled our veins was currency.
Let's compost the ground so that she may regrow and show us the right way to live. With some give and some take we can make this world a better place.
Scott then put it all in the hat and took out the lines, and here's his results:
When did we split off the evolutionary tree and plant our selves in the soils of skewed priorities?
let us compost the ground so she may regrow, and she can show us the right way to live. with some give and some take we can make the world a better place.
Working to stay alive as if the blood that filled our veins was currency.
We can erase the scars of freeways and cars, rewind time to teeming life, erase the strife and strive with all alive, and live in this give and take.
Instead of mindless expansion we should be expanding our minds.
When we need air to breathe and this is created by trees, why do we clear cut to build up our factories?
Every diaper you've ever crapped in is still trapped in a landfill. and it'll still be here after you're gone.
See at the heart of it we are all a part of it. We are all connected and all affected when mother earth is disrespected.
Don't settle for disposable, opt for compostable, reusable sustainable; a green future is attainable.
We make junk to make a buck, because who gives a fuck about the toll we're taking, as long as we're making dough.
It's a pretty interesting exercise and it won't be the last time I use it!
You take the best lines from the poem, the ones that you really like, and cut them out with scissors. take all these lines and put em in a hat and pick them at random and lay them out in the order you take them out. It gives you a totally new and yet same poem. Here's my results:
Dont settle for disposable, opt for compostable, reusable sustainable; a green future is attainable.
When did we split of the evolutionary tree and plant ourselves in the soils of skewed priotities?
Instead of mindless expansion we should be expanding our minds.
We can erase the scars of freeways and cars, rewind time to teeming life, erase the strife and strive with all alive, and live in this give and take.
We make junk to make a buck, because who gives a fuck about the toll we're taking, as long as we're making dough.
See at the heart of it we are all a part of it. We are all connected and all affected when mother earth is disrespected.
Every diaper you've ever crapped in is still trapped in a landfill. and it'll still be here after you're gone.
When we need air to breathe and this is created by trees, why do we clear cut to build up our factories?
Working to stay alive as if the blood that filled our veins was currency.
Let's compost the ground so that she may regrow and show us the right way to live. With some give and some take we can make this world a better place.
Scott then put it all in the hat and took out the lines, and here's his results:
When did we split off the evolutionary tree and plant our selves in the soils of skewed priorities?
let us compost the ground so she may regrow, and she can show us the right way to live. with some give and some take we can make the world a better place.
Working to stay alive as if the blood that filled our veins was currency.
We can erase the scars of freeways and cars, rewind time to teeming life, erase the strife and strive with all alive, and live in this give and take.
Instead of mindless expansion we should be expanding our minds.
When we need air to breathe and this is created by trees, why do we clear cut to build up our factories?
Every diaper you've ever crapped in is still trapped in a landfill. and it'll still be here after you're gone.
See at the heart of it we are all a part of it. We are all connected and all affected when mother earth is disrespected.
Don't settle for disposable, opt for compostable, reusable sustainable; a green future is attainable.
We make junk to make a buck, because who gives a fuck about the toll we're taking, as long as we're making dough.
It's a pretty interesting exercise and it won't be the last time I use it!