We aren't going about this the right way.
This Earth is not a resource.
She is not a commodity.
She lives, she breathes,
she can feed us with her fruits yet we rip apart her flesh,
and drink her blood. Pump
her dry and leave her sighing.
Sometimes I think we are a virus
twisted around this globe,
a puerperal parasite feeding happily upon it's host.
Sometimes I'm disgusted with what humans have become.
Misanthropist by nature,
and so by nature I live.
Forests are my friends and each tree a sleepy soul.
Their groves are my heart's home, I live in the trees and they live in me.
I've never been one for society, not a fan of this humanity.
I've always been removed,
by some force that calls me back to the wild places.
I love in the spaces where many creatures live,
societies of my own.
No rules except that it's better to work together
than to compete for the limited resources.
These beings know the meanings of life.
I want to live in peace, making a living by making living more healthy and enjoyable.