so i went in this really spiffy public washroom at the end of the hippy park on 17th. it was cool yes, but it scared me so much at the same time. just how everything was automated, like we have no control anymore. can we not be trusted with getting our own toilet paper? it has to be dispensed to us in the perfect amount? the flaw with this is one small malfunction and the whole room is dead. well there are more than that for flaws, but i could talk forever and you'd get bored. but its just like I Robot, and though that's fiction, it doesnt seem that impossible anymore. its all for safety measures, like..10 minutes max so homeless people wont take advantage of it. but its just so over the top i hate it.
Don't give up. I'm only starting to see the gravity of your situation. the extent of your damnation. In short I don't blame you for your frivolous disposition. I blame myself for not being enough to change it. That came out wrong. I can't, nor do I want to, change you. I just wish I was insentive enough to make you wish to change. Or maybe change is non-existant. I want you to grow. You're playing a static and stagnant role whilst I am flourishing and thriving. I know I'm not the same as I was when we were first in love, but the change is amplified relative your inert stance. I've always cared about you, but that too has been altered by the hand of circumstance. I've known countless feelings for you, attachment, love, lust, caring, anguish, concern. I've always felt something for you. Now it's stronger than ever before. No more silly juvenile notions of "love". I care for you like a sister, a mother, a lover, a friend. You say you don...