Unbridled desire. Wild horses running into the eye of a hurricane without fear. suspended in a moment of pristine stillness. The world crumbled and everything fell away in a wave and we were submerged. A sand castle disolving against the tide.
I caught his eye and lost my balance. I fell past him, past boundaries past my walls and landed inside. Spilled into an ocean. Tipped into an emptiness that inflated me. Cracking from the fullness and seeping into skin. Bleeding dye, dancing through him.
And the wall's forever broken down.
I caught his eye and lost my balance. I fell past him, past boundaries past my walls and landed inside. Spilled into an ocean. Tipped into an emptiness that inflated me. Cracking from the fullness and seeping into skin. Bleeding dye, dancing through him.
And the wall's forever broken down.