Do you remember it was earth hour and we were supposed to turn out our lights for an hour? I turned out all lights from 8-9 and i dont believe calgary tried that hard. I walked down my street and maybe one other house wasn't lit up-every one else's houses were blazing with light. I find it so sad that we're so attached to the comforts of electricity that we cant even turn out the lights for an hour. It would have been so great if more people had taken the effort, but we're an indulgent ignorant race, and that's whats gotten us into this mess and thats what's made it hard to fix. I was talking to Brent (my bf) and he wasn't even aware it was earth day and that he was supposed to turn out the lights. I hope that this was an issue of not enough publicity for the event and not an issue of not enough effort by the citizens of Calgary. I know its hard to change our consuming habbits, but its only for an hour and I'm disapointed because this could have had an impact if everyone had did it, but of course they played ignorant and decided not to.
Can you tell I've been raised by two hippies?