i looked in the mirror, and in the feeble light of a fall evening i saw myself as who i wanted to be. a girl who ruled her own life, defiant and strong. a girl not needing makeup or bronzer, who revvels in her pretty imperfections. sun kissed skin and wild natural waves in her hair. purple pants and stripped shirts that go beyond the borders of fitting in.
i stare to long at this girl i see and the illuion falters. my eyes water with the lack of blinking and my unfourtunate allergies to the new spring weather. i walk closer and i see my face is paler then i had first thought. my eyes are puffy and lined in red. i sigh, defeated and return to my book, where i can be lost in the heroin's strength and not have to be bothered by my lack thereof.
i stare to long at this girl i see and the illuion falters. my eyes water with the lack of blinking and my unfourtunate allergies to the new spring weather. i walk closer and i see my face is paler then i had first thought. my eyes are puffy and lined in red. i sigh, defeated and return to my book, where i can be lost in the heroin's strength and not have to be bothered by my lack thereof.