i dont understand it myself
i'm evil. i know i am.
because i dont think like the majority
and majority rules.
but maybe it's wrong?
maybe everyone is just wrong.
and maybe..just maybe..
i'm right..
but whos to say what's right?
its what the majority agrees with
therefore i must be wrong.
i'm evil. i know i am.
because i dont think like the majority
and majority rules.
but maybe it's wrong?
maybe everyone is just wrong.
and maybe..just maybe..
i'm right..
but whos to say what's right?
its what the majority agrees with
therefore i must be wrong.
lets try and explain what goes on in my mind, shall we?
i believe we place too much importance on human life.
it is the reason we're in this mess.
we're too capable of emotions, feelings, attachment for our own good.
when someone is ill or injured, we do all we can to save them
because there's nothing more important that human life.
because we want to save them for ourselves.
so that we dont have to lose anything.
maybe..it's just me.
other people in the situation of dying dont want to.
because they are too attached to life.
maybe it's just me that isn't afraid of death.
maybe that's why i disregard human emotions so much.
or maybe i'm just crazy.
i think i am.
ok i totally rambled.
im just saying...im not scared of death, but im not prepared to get rid of life yet
hehe i love reading your ideas and opinions and thoughts. they make me think about mine :)
About emotions, I don't understand either. I understand that there is no one at all in the world that, if endangered, you would try to save? Nobody?
Fine, that's possible.
But even if most people are wrong, how can you be the only one that's right?
It's all a matter of the definition one has of the word "good", isn't it? In your case, human life is not the highest priority. I'd guess pragmatism would be better, in your opinion.
I'll try to answer to all of this on the question about death, though. What about self-sacrifice? I'm not much scared of death. I kinda like to live, though, and I'm not really interested in dying at the present moment. It'll come, soon enough. BUT! There is one person, a single person on earth, that given the chance to do so, I'd gladly die for. I would not ask myself any question and do so. You will not believe that what I say is true, probably, because it would flaw your theory. So there.
By the way: I like what you write. Write more.