should i feel bad? should i want to help her find it? console her?
i don't see the point.
do to others as you'd have them do to you
i guess the golden rule doesnt apply to her.
so she lost her wedding ring. normaly this would be tragic
but i dont see the point in wasting emotions on it.
its not like she needed it anyways.
she hasnt even been wearing it for the past three months.
she'd put it on the dashboard of the car
of all places.
its been sitting there for over three months.
now it's gone.
and guess who's to blame?
me and my sister.
of course.
she doesnt think for one second that
it's her fault?
that she might have misplaced it?
she's divine, above all human err.
she think's we're trying to punish her.
for what?
i'm not sure.
we hate her.
but we hate her because we're ungrateful useless children
not at all because maybe she hasnt been much of a mother lately.
she's too busy cauddling her new child, her new obsession
the devil's spawn.
i don't see the point.
do to others as you'd have them do to you
i guess the golden rule doesnt apply to her.
so she lost her wedding ring. normaly this would be tragic
but i dont see the point in wasting emotions on it.
its not like she needed it anyways.
she hasnt even been wearing it for the past three months.
she'd put it on the dashboard of the car
of all places.
its been sitting there for over three months.
now it's gone.
and guess who's to blame?
me and my sister.
of course.
she doesnt think for one second that
it's her fault?
that she might have misplaced it?
she's divine, above all human err.
she think's we're trying to punish her.
for what?
i'm not sure.
we hate her.
but we hate her because we're ungrateful useless children
not at all because maybe she hasnt been much of a mother lately.
she's too busy cauddling her new child, her new obsession
the devil's spawn.