My headphones lost their squishies. My phone dies litterally 20 times a day and my ipod doesn't work properly. But I don't go out and replace these trivial objects without hesitation. I humored society and it has forsaken me. Not in a big way, but it's all the same. I will use these inconveniences as a reminder that this isn't what's important. With each new advancement, with each new step forward, we take another step further from our original reality, from our priorities. Just because it's available doesn't mean we have to take it. But that's the way it goes. Personally i'll take this nuisance to remind myself not to lose sight of my reality.
[I had to write this from memory because I'd had it on my phone, but it was erased when it died]
[I had to write this from memory because I'd had it on my phone, but it was erased when it died]