plastic hearts to replace the worn out ones.
we need to protect human life. we're so precious; the most important creatures on earth. we're too great to die from natural causes. think about it.
we interfere in nature's way. live die live die, that's life. disease and fatal injuries are the ways that the world keeps populations in check. survival of the fittest. but we hide behind out drugs and our synthetic life savers. we become weaker and weaker until we rely solely on our own creations.
yet we believe ourselves to be the strongest creatures. superior in every way. are we? yes, we've been able to create this modern world by using the full capacity of our greater intelligence. does anyone question it? why is it this way? we're curious, that's why. we're not satisfied with simple nature. we wonder and fantisize, we create and recreate. every new advancement in out technological environment takes us farther away from our roots. until future generations have never been subjected to reality. but this is their reality, they accept it as the only way because its all they've ever known