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expired words

when you're not around i get a little worried that you dont love me and your gonna leave me but when im with you its a different story i feel like i will never lose you and you wull be with you for lofe and i hope you will. i know im not perfect or perfect looking but i hope you can see pst my flaws..iget really self concious when im alone its thist the way i am. i love how shy you are and i want to break your shyness..but at the same time i dont want you to because im afraid you will find someone better. its happened before and i worry that it will happen again.

it started as a crush and then she called i was like this is my chance i cant fuck this up and the more i got to know her the more i realized we had a lot in common..she keeps saying this is all new to her but what she doesnt realize that its pretty new to me, i mean i have never felt this strongly for anyone else. i mean iwas gonna propose but i gave her a promis ring instead. she means the world to me i hope i never lose her.

omg las night i had the worst dream..i was chillin with lain when i had an image flash in and out of my head it was dre wutg a giant wound in the center of her head then my cell rang i amswered and it was dre's parents she said dre was in an accident and she wasnt going to make it so i stole my mom's van and raced to the hospital. before i went in the doctor said that she cannot hear me and is unable to respond but i knew she would know i was there so i went in and my heart broke when i saw her there. i slowly approached her and sat beside her. i grabbed her hanf and told her that im glad it was her and not me. i started to cry..because this way you dont have to feel the pain i'm in. she smiled and squeezed my hand then flat lined. the doctors came runing in and pushed me aside and surrounded her. then i woke up.


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